
Languages & Frameworks

  • HTML5, CSS/Sass, Javascript (ES6+), Python, Typescript, Ember.js, Angular, Vue.js, Express.js, Django, D3.js, various web mapping libraries

Platforms & Tools

  • Mac OSX, Linux, Windows, Arduino, Node.js, Chrome/Firefox Dev tools, Git (GHE, GitLab, Bitbucket), VS Code, Jira, TeamCity, Jenkins

Work Experience

Lead Developer - Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE), Toronto

  • Technical Lead for SmoKE (Smoke data Knowledge Exchange) Portal, a Next.js web app visualizing current and historical geospatial data and climate information for wildfire smoke exposure to support indigenous communities across Canada (
  • Automated entire deployment process of both frontend and CKAN backend containers on Digital Ocean from a GitHub repo
  • Created data and map visualizations with Mapbox and Material UI charts. Used QGIS to edit vector and raster graphics to comply with Mapbox GL
Nov 2023 - Present

Front-end Lead - Arup, Toronto

  • Created 360 panorama web app Downtown Providence’s public spaces and Long Baseline Neutrino Facility
  • Front-end lead for Arup Data Portal
  • Created front-end tasks from UI Designers and business requirements for teammates, conducted code reviews
  • Wrote extensive documentation and examples with Storybook.js for reusable web component UI library
  • Mentored junior developers in best practices in front-end web development accessibility and using mapping libraries
Apr 2021 - Feb 2023

Software Developer - Uncharted Software, Toronto/Victoria

  • Ember.js developer for BAE Systems DIRECT front-end for DARPA's RSPACE program
  • Vue.js developer for Distil, research project for DARPA's D3M program
Oct 2018 - Sep 2020

Senior UI Developer - Global Banking & Markets - HSBC, Toronto

  • Developer for FX Sales Book Management tool
  • Implemented Vue.js web application to replace legacy book management tool
  • Implemented e2e tests with
  • Managed support tickets for critical global systems used by traders
Mar 2018 - Sep 2018

Front-end Developer - Toronto Design Studio - IBM, Markham

  • Developer for IBM Watson Supply Chain Insights and Commerce Insights
  • Worked in an agile team of designers and developers transforming mock-ups into production app
  • Implemented data visualizations on dashboard with D3.js and NGX-charts
  • Ensured front-end complied with accessibility and internationalization requirements
  • Presented company wide Intro to React.js tutorial for Future Blue Toolkit Tutorials series
  • Winning team in Toronto IBM Hackademy Hackathon with GitHub Enterprise web scraper
  • Created a front-end development tool that validates existing CSS with a reference (IBM Patent Ref. CA820160323)
May 2015 - Mar 2018

Web Developer Intern - WSP (MMM Group), Thornhill

  • Implemented ArcGIS Javascript API and Leaflet Maps to existing project websites
  • Designed and managed public outline surveys for City of Oshawa planning project
  • Prototyped Angular.js web app for business intelligence website
  • Developed Deck.js presentation for OPPI conference
May 2014 - Aug 2014

Research Assistant - Dr. Nick Eyles - University of Toronto

  • Developed Planet Rocks education app with Meteor.js
  • Designed UI, graphics and database of Android App: Let’s Rock Ontario
  • Collected environmental and geological field data for app content
  • Content currently used in University of Toronto Earth science curriculum
Sep 2012 - Apr 2014

Reserve Engineer Corporal - Canadian Forces - 32 CER, Toronto

  • Worked proficiently as a section engineer in a multitude of demanding military exercises
  • Knowledge and experience in field craft, explosives and building defensive emplacements
  • Operated a variety of ordnances, gas/hydraulic/electric tools, along with bridging equipment
Sep 2008 - May 2016


University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus

  • B.Sc. Environmental Science - Environmental Geoscience Specialist
  • Conducted field work in Ontario, Alberta, Washington, Iceland and Costa Rica